Sherman Wilder - Chief Technology Officer

Sherman is a Texas A&M Graduate (Electronic Systems Engineering Technology, Class of 2020). He is an experienced electrical/electronics engineer with spending four years working in a combination of startups, research groups, electrical companies, and the technician field. Sherman is helping FanWeb focus on new and current technologies in a variety of areas that will help with software/firmware development, hardware structures, and system designs. His background and experience allows him to implement and produce prototypes by engaging in extensive research, technical readings, and information management. This accelerates market delivery and allows for more customer feedback sooner in the implementation phase. Working for FanWeb, Sherman is able to explore these areas deeper and create an apparatus for a linear future of the company.  

Favorite Teams:

NFL: New Orleans Saints

NBA: Oklahoma City Thunder

NCAA: Louisiana State University  

"Starting a company is the best stage of the startup. There's the creative aspect. You also have to articulate your idea. There are a million things going on."

- Katrina Garnett (Founder of CrossWorlds Software, Inc.)
