DeAndrew Daniel - Hardware & Embedded Systems

DeAndrew is a Mississippi State graduate (Computer Engineering, Class of 2018). He has a passion for electronics and advancing technology. In his free time, he tinkers with microcontrollers and 3D printing. When DeAndrew and Chris met, he saw an opportunity to take his passion for technology into the world of sports entertainment. FanWeb gives DeAndrew an opportunity to step into the world of sports entertainment with his technical expertise. DeAndrew envisions a future where FanWeb revolutionizes the way fans connect with their favorite sports teams and performers.

Favorite Teams:

NBA: Memphis Grizzlies

NFL: New Orleans Saints 

NCAA: Mississippi State

"I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles overcome while trying to succeed."

- Booker T. Washington (Political Activist)
